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čas Radosti: A Time of Joy



The Slovak Heritage Society Festival Choir and Ensemble produced and directed by Trude Check-Tuhy

There are few countries as rich in Christmas carol literature as Slovakia. The diversity of this literature ranges from the sweet lullabies of the Mother Mary, to the Haunting sounds of the Tatra Mountain shepherds’ bagpipes, to the folk melodies showing an exuberance and zest for living close to the earth, to the solemnity of hymns, to the grandeur of the angels’ song on that first Christmas night. The Vinš is also a very important part of the celebration. “čas Radosti!” is indeed a Time of Joy for the Savior of the world is born.

Side 1

Dnesny Deň Pod'me Spolu Do Bethlema
Vinš Spi, Dieťa Spi
Narodil Sa Kristus v Betleme čo Je To Za Svit
Jak Si Krásne Hľa Zástup
Buvaj Dieťa Krásne Pastieri Vstavajte 
Veselosť Velika čas Radosti
Kedy Jasná Hviezda Dnes Sa Kristus Narodil

Side 2

Hore, Hore Patuškovia Nuž My Teda Pastuškovia
Prišli Sme Ku Tebe Jezuliatko čo To Za Krásne Dieťatko
Jašličkaroví Vinš  Na Vianoce Sanctus, Benedictus 
Do Hory, Do Lesa Povedzte Nam Pastierovia
Pašli Ovce Valaši  Pán s časov  

Cassette Tape:    $ 5.00        CD:    $ 10.00

Cost includes postage and handling. The Slovak words and an English translation are included with each cassette or CD.